Do you ever come home from work, sit down to play video games, look at the clock, realize that you have to go to bed in three hours, wonder if this really gives you enough time to make significant progress after installing your new game and configuring all of the options to your liking and watching the opening cutscene and going through the usual tutorial nonsense, decide to go for it anyway, get five minutes into the game, and quit because you can't stop thinking about real life and it's ruining the experience?
Me too.
I've been kind of busy this week, which is why I'm not actually writing anything except this short complaint. In fact, I'll probably be posting less often from now on, since my current work situation is slightly unpredictable and the job I'm taking when this one ends is likely to suck what's left of my soul right out of my body. But I'll find time, somehow.
Until then, put this on repeat.